December 2024
Happy Mid-December Reader!
Can you believe we are already at the end of 2024? December is always the biggest and shortest month of the year for me (as you can tell by my tardy newsletter publication). Let me explain:
- December is the shortest month, not by the number of days, but by the number of days dedicated to business and working. Just two weeks this year.
- December is also my busiest month in terms of celebrations, get-togethers and being a taxi-mom. Anyone else relate to this?
Let’s face it, December is a high energy month for many people from start to finish. There’s holiday shopping, a month’s worth of work to do in only two or three weeks, lots of crowds in the malls, in restaurants for holiday parties, plenty of family and friend get togethers and very little time to recover from all that energetic overload in between. That means you end up energetically out of whack.
Here’s what that might look like:
- Feeling drained or exhausted
- Headaches and/or dizziness
- Overwhelmed
- Anxious
- Feeling “not like yourself”
- Short temper
I totally get it. It’s a lot of energy for one person to handle all at once. And if like me, you happen to be an empath, all these energies can become difficult to process, sort through and manage.
We are, after all, energetic beings. And when we come into auras of others, there is an energetic exchange. It’s inevitable. It’s the way we are designed. We need the energy of others and they need ours. If you want to know more about this, I invite you to read Understanding Human Design by Karen Curry Parker.
Energy exchanges are normal and to a certain extent, our natural state of being. That doesn’t mean that all energy exchanges are in your highest and best interest. Some can even be detrimental.
The proof will be in how you feel…
That being said, my intention here isn’t to scare you into hiding, but rather to give you some level of knowledge and understanding, and to share a tool that will likely be a major game changer for you.
In order to shorten this email, I have posted the information about the negative energies that can affect you on my website I encourage you to go read it, to get a better understanding of these different energies.
Going back to the upcoming holidays, we are all human and sometimes, we are exposed to too many energies and get overloaded and overwhelmed. One of the things I do most often for my clients is cleanse and clear their energy of anything that might be negatively affecting them. It’s also what I do most often for my family and myself…
So, I have prepared a little gift for you. I have recorded a short guided meditation for you to be able to cleanse and clear your energy on your own, whenever you feel you need to. You can download the “10 Minute Energy Detox for When You’re Feeling Off” for free and use it as many times as you need to over the holidays and in your every day life.
I sincerely hope this little meditation serves you as well as it serves me. And if you think this could help someone you know, I invite you to share it with them. Not only will it help them shed energies that don’t serve them, it will help raise their vibration too.
I wish you all the best this holiday season has to offer. May abundance find you in the most magical ways.
Much love and blessings,
May Baydoun, ND
Founder @ Ascend Holistic Healing
Helping humans connect and align with their soul so they can create a life they love to live.
P.S. I would love to help you on your transformational soul journey if you'll allow me... Here's how we can get started: