Hello Reader,
As we close of the first month of 2025 and step into February, I need to share with you, a powerful insight and perspective shift that came to me in January. I'm excited about this, because it's the kind of understanding that creates a radical paradigm shift.
It happened while I was channeling my spirit guide for the daily guidance I send out by email to those subscribed to that list.* My guides were talking about how when you are setting intentions for yourself it is always best to add to your intentions that they be in the highest and best interest of all and for the highest good of all. They went on to explain that this is not a condition you are adding to your intention but rather a condition you are adding to HOW your intention is carried out.
* If you'd like, I invite you to sign up to receive the notes from Elderon in your inbox by clicking the button below.
Here is the Note in question so you can get the knowledge straight from them.
When you set an intention and add to it that it be in the highest and best interest of all and for the highest good of all, you are not adding a condition that what you intend will not happen if it is not for everyone’s highest and best interest, or if it is not for the highest good of all. What you are doing is requesting an add-on from the Creator.
Remember that you are the one in charge of “what” in the co-creative process. The Creator is to take care of “how” it comes into being. Everything in your life is created by you through your intention to make it a reality and your actions that make it happen. Not even the Creator can override your will. Your free agency. All that you want and all that you intend will be made manifest so long as your intention remains.
So, when you intend for something to be done in the highest and best way for all and for the greatest good of all, you are in essence, asking the Creator to make it happen in a way that benefits everyone and does not harm another.
This little add-on protects you from any karmic repercussions that you might unintentionally create through your intentions.
I had always thought that when you ask the Universe for something to be done in the highest and best way for all and for the greatest good, then, unless what you want is for the benefit of everyone involved and affected, you just couldn't have it. Because after all, everyone has free will and your free will is limited to where it infringes on the free will of another. So, if what you want might cause harm to someone else, then the Creator wouldn't give you what you want. Besides, do you really want to score bad karma points by getting something that harms someone else? Probably not!
You shouldn't even be wanting something that could hurt someone else! That's just wrong... Isn't it?
Well, it turns out that wanting what you want is not wrong at all. You're supposed to want what you want. We are, after all, on this planet to live out a full human experience. And that means co-creating the life we desire.
Now, here's the thing about desires. They come from the Soul. They are aligned with us. And if we desire something, then that something already exists as a possibility for us. So when we set our intention to co-create that which we desire, it actually already exists. We are just calling it into manifestation. Calling it into physical form. And when we ask the Creator that this be done in the highest and best interest of all and for the highest good of all, we are actually asking the Creator to find a way to make it happen so that it benefits everyone and harms no one.
Regardless of what it is you desire or want in your life, the Creator's role in the co-creative process is to make it happen somehow. And since nothing is impossible for the Creator, you can rest assured that what you want will happen! Unless... you change your mind or waiver in the belief that it will happen and that you can have it.
Your role in the co-creative process is to decide what you want. You tell the Creator about it through your intentions. Then you take action that is in line with your intentions to engage the Universe. The Creator's responsibility in the co-creative process is HOW it happens.
The Creator will never say:
- that's not a good choice... we're not doing that.
- that's too complicated... we can't do that.
- you didn't earn that...
- you're asking for too much.
- that's not possible
- * And the list goes on...
Remember that with the Creator everything is possible. All those previous statements are just beliefs you hold that justify why you can't have what you want. The only thing holding them in place is your subconscious mind trying to protect you from the pain of disappointment should what you want not happen.
What you have to realize is that what you want WILL happen. It's a non negotiable!
- You doubt it will happen unconditionally
- You waiver in your faith that the Creator is" supporting you in your desire.
- You change your mind about what you want.
- You keep going back and forth on your desires and intentions
- You interfere with "how" it needs to happen.
All these things you do get in the way of how the Creator can orchestrate the manifestation of your desired intentions. This causes delays in manifestation. And delays cause doubt. Doubt creates more interference and that causes more delays. This keeps you stuck in a cycle that consistently interferes with the co-creative process. And to justify the fact that your manifestation hasn't shown up yet, you conclude that it must not be in the best interest of all and you just can't have what you want.
The Universe always says: " Your wish is my command!" What you want is always what you will get, unless you choose something else or waiver in your faith that it is done. Ultimately, the Creator will always figure out how to give you exactly what you ask for.
Trust the co-creative process. Decide what you want, take congruent action and let the Creator take care of" How".
Much love and blessings,
May Baydoun, ND
Founder @ Ascend Holistic Healing
Helping humans connect and align with their soul so they can create a life they love to live.
P.S. I would love to help you on your transformational soul journey if you'll allow me... Here's how we can get started: