My chosen purpose is the help people awaken and ascend in their Soul journey so that we can all raise our own vibration and the vibration of our world. I'd love for you to join me on this crazy adventure. Sign up below. I'll send you my monthly newsletter.
Hello Reader, As we close of the first month of 2025 and step into February, I need to share with you, a powerful insight and perspective shift that came to me in January. I'm excited about this, because it's the kind of understanding that creates a radical paradigm shift. It happened while I was channeling my spirit guide for the daily guidance I send out by email to those subscribed to that list.* My guides were talking about how when you are setting intentions for yourself it is always...
December 2024 Happy Mid-December Reader! Can you believe we are already at the end of 2024? December is always the biggest and shortest month of the year for me (as you can tell by my tardy newsletter publication). Let me explain: December is the shortest month, not by the number of days, but by the number of days dedicated to business and working. Just two weeks this year. December is also my busiest month in terms of celebrations, get-togethers and being a taxi-mom. Anyone else relate to...
November 2024 Happy November Reader! I really hope you’ve been well. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to get a newsletter out and I want to start by saying a very big THANK YOU! Thank you for your patience, thank you for your understanding and thank you for your continued support. And thank you for still being here and reading this. You could say I fell short. And I did! I fell behind on many of my projects. I kinda did what I always do… I had a bunch of exciting ideas and projects that...