Ascend Newsletter - January 2024

January 2024

Happy New Year Reader!

My greatest wish for you this year is that you are blessed every day and in every way!

The start of a new year often means the opportunity for a fresh start with so many possibilities to create positive, life transforming shifts. From resolutions, to SMART goals to vision boards, to planners and intentions, there are so many ways to begin creating an epic life for yourself in 2024. The important thing is that, whatever you choose to do as you kick off your best year yet, it has to feel good to you. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s just not aligned with your soul.

My friend asked me a few days ago, what my business goals were for the year. So, I shared my intention to create and grow my paid membership community, where I will share and teach all I know about manifesting, aligning with our soul and life transformation. I want to create a safe space online for those on their spiritual journey to learn and share with others.

My friend’s next question caught me a little off-guard. She asked about my measurable goals. And yes! I do have some measurable targets for my first quarter. However, measurability is not my main focus. I stopped setting SMART goals in 2017, when I understood that I was able to achieve so much more by leveraging the Universe in achieving my intentions for the year. That’s when I started creating rituals for myself at the start of the year. They focus on manifestation and on creating a vision of where I will be at the end of the year.

You see, we live in a world of energies that encompasses a physical component and an energetic or spiritual component. The physical is moved by action, but the spiritual is moved by intention. Our intentions allow us to engage the cosmic powers of the Universe to help guide and support us on our journey. And when we get that nudge of inspiration, that’s when we act. When our actions are filed by our intentions, phenomenal things far beyond our expectations happen.

That being said, this year I invite you to join me in the Ascend Soul Circle community. In January, we will be doing a full moon manifestation ritual to manifest our epic 2024. We will also be creating your epic vision for the year. That means getting clear on what life will look like at the end of 2024 and keeping your focus on that vision. Remember, what you think about, you bring about. So you might as well think about what you want. I invite you to click the button below to find out more about the Ascend Soul Circle

I sincerely hope to see you on the other side!

As 2024 gets rolling and we settle back into life post-holidays, I hope you choose to make 2024 absolutely EPIC and truly live it fully.

May you be divinely guided and supported on your journey.

Much love and blessings,


957-5307 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia V5P 3V6
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Hi! I'm May :)

My chosen purpose is the help people awaken and ascend in their Soul journey so that we can all raise our own vibration and the vibration of our world. I'd love for you to join me on this crazy adventure. Sign up below. I'll send you my monthly newsletter.

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