How much can you do in 100 days?

Hi Reader,

It's mid-September and the better part of 2023 is already behind us. The kids are back at school and if you're like me, you are just catching your breath and enjoying a (quiet) coffee in an attempt to refocus. Then it hits you!!! Holy crap! The year is almost over and there's so much I wanted to do that I didn't do yet!

Did you know??? Something special happens in September and no body talks about it... On September 22nd, there will only be 100 full days left to the year. So, my question to you is: What do you want to achieve in these last few days of the year? Do you have a plan to make those 100 days count?

Here's my invitation to you

I want to help you make those days count big time! So... I created something fun and interactive that will help you refocus, look back in gratitude and look forward through a fresh perspective.

I hope you will choose to join me on this adventure. I can't wait to spend the last 100 days of 2023 with you! Here's to creating an EPIC new year!

See you on the other side.

Much love and blessings.


P.S. I would love to guide you on your transformational soul journey if you'll allow me... Here's how we can get started:

  1. Sign up to get the Notes from Elderon delivered to your email daily.
  2. Get your membership and Join my Soul Circle.
  3. Book a free call and Talk to me.

Hi! I'm May :)

My chosen purpose is the help people awaken and ascend in their Soul journey so that we can all raise our own vibration and the vibration of our world. I'd love for you to join me on this crazy adventure. Sign up below. I'll send you my monthly newsletter.

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